All of those?
Yes all of those and it's mostly your fault
Hey, well I am your brain so technically it's still all your fault.
So I don't know what my starting weight is, nor right now do I care. (Ok well maybe I care but those previous adjectives prevent me from even looking at my scale) What I do know is that I'm at my biggest. I've let myself go WAY to far. Hopefully I haven't gone too far round the bend and I can wrangle myself in, that's the plan at least. I feel I need a plan, you gotta have a plan. If you go into this without a plan and you're just 'trying' to lose weight, when it's not just weight loss I'm looking for, but a whole life style change. So the plan is to eat less and move more. It's that simple.
Eat Less
Now I'm not starving myself and I'm not OCD about counting calories or exercising 3 times a day. This is not Biggest Loser. I don't have the time or money to join Weight Watchers, or Jenny Craig or that Nutrisystem. I am however hyper-aware of what I'm eating and what I'm buying at the store. Looking at the serving size, the calories, fat and the sodium. I've been eating more salads, everything is a proper proportion, I bought vegetables (yuck) and I eat them (double yuck).
I am acquiring new tastes remember
Yeah but that doesn't mean I gotta like it.
I also buy Lean Cuisines for work. My husband and I have conflicting schedules, so we don't eat together and I don't like to cook a meal for one, so Leans it is. They aren't bad if you know which ones to avoid. I also avoid the fast food strip in Findlay on Tiffin St. (See no evil) I would stop at a fast food place before work and don't you know that I got the large size too. (Avoiding temptation completely)
Sigh, I miss that
It's dangerous
Hey, it's 8:30 in the morning, we could get some McDonald's breakfast!!
Didn't I just say that it's dangerous?!
HushI also keep a diary of what I eat and how I feel about the day. Just another way of holding myself accountable for my actions. I quit soda (again). My attachment to soda (mainly the caffeine and sugar) got worse over the school year. But I'm drinking water, well Crystal Lite, again. I know that my brain has mixed up the "I'm thirsty" signal with the "I'm hungry" signal (my bad). Gotta get that straightened out, but until that happens I have a sign on my fridge that asks me if I'm hungry or thirsty. It's silly to have that on my fridge I know, but it's that mental pinch I need. So I've been drinking a lot more fluids and that helps me stay full and hydrated. Level up!
Move More
Then there's the exercise. Blah. I need to be doing some cardio, yoga, weight lifting, exercise tapes (tapes, I mean DVD's), anything right? Well it's complicated. 1. I don't want to spend the money, nor do I have the money to join a gym or fitness class. 2. I have really shitty knees (yeah you do) and I feel that I need to lose some poundage before I start exercising more vigorously. I don't want to ruin them more than necessary. 3. I can't do workout videos (cardio ones) in the slanty shanty (the house) it's too small and old ( If you've been in my house you know what I'm talking about....ugh a shanty!) I might break it! I'm too scared.
As you should be, go the McD's and comfort yourself...
Damnit NO!! 4. I have a very energetic dog who needs exercised as well.
So I walk. It's free, it's easy-ish on my knees, I'm not hulk smashing the shanty and I can wear out Q. I usually walk for an hour to an hour and a half. It feels good to get out of the house and see the sunshine after working all night in the dark like a vampire. (Ugh that's too trendy a reference) My reasons may sound like excuses, but they're valid. I would like to try some yoga exercise videos, I think the house will survive that. But for now walking is good enough for me. I'm moving more than I used to and that's all I can ask for right now.
In due time I will step on my scary scale, but for now I will measure my weight loss by how much better I'm feeling and by the loosening of my pants.