Saturday, May 12, 2012


     I'm sure in due time this experiment will flesh itself out and I will have form, rhythm and reasoning behind each post, but for now I feel it best to ride the wave of my thoughts and just relish in what I'm thinking. (Did that make sense? I think it did.  Wasn't it a bit pretentious? Possibly, but you can be kinda snobby. Hey!)  Is it weird that I am enjoying the dialog that I'm having with my hunger brains (may the odds be ever in your flavor) I dunno. It's just these little conversations I have to have with myself seem a little crazy, however if I don't mentally pinch myself I turn into this hungry, hungry hippo that's not actually hungry.  I just have to eat cause those white balls aren't gonna eat themselves.  (Wait there's gotta be a better metaphor than that....nothing comes to mind...well damn)

     Today I was pondering on temptation.  Now from my last post you know that I have no will power when food is concerned. NONE!!!  So I fall easily into temptation's trap of instant gratification. Last night at work there was a pack of Double Stuff Oreos in the break room.  I walked past them and my zombie brain clicked itself on at the sight of them. 
Yummo. Hey good lookin!
 Yeah but my diet.....
Remember how delicious they are?
They are delicious and doubly stuffed
Lonely Oreo crummies fall to the floor....Yeah, I shoved that tasty treat right into my pie hole
Good for you!!
However one bite in i realize...
WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING??  Chocolate and sweets are my drug.... my drug right there in front of me and I'm trying quit
But you've earned it.
The harm in just one, JUST ONE, is that I will want more than one, jeeze oh petes!!!

So of course I spit it out - HUZZAH!  Is that really worth of a cheer? Maybe, I think so.  Temptation conquered (for now) Level up!
But then my next thought was
You only like the taste, you could just chew your food then spit it out.
-Don't judge it's only a thought-
Yeah but that's just a swallow and some vomit away from being bulimic. It's bulimia lite.
But the TASTES
Yeah well we will just have to acquire new tastes

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this post. Temptation is most certainly the biggest beast you need to slay in order to achieve your goals.

    Keep up the good work (and keep up the writing)!
